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A Primer on PACS Data Migration

As cyber technology continues to advance, periodic system upgrades are required. This is always a complex and potentially troublesome process, as there is always the risk that data may be lost during the transfer process – or something may not be compatible with a new system.
This is an even greater challenge for an operation in which lives are at stake, such as a hospital or clinic. Upgrading a PACS and migrating the data to the new system must be undertaken carefully and systematically in order to preserve data and maintain archival structures. Advance planning is key to the successful transfer of valuable medical data while maintaining continuity of patient services.
Before Starting Out
Some issues to consider:
  •  future requirements; how older data will be integrated into the new system
  •  scheduling: when and how data will be migrated in such a way as to minimize disruption
  •  preparation: making sure new hardware is in place and software is properly configured
  •  monitoring: how the migration process will be supervised and by whom
Steps To Successful Data Transfer
There are essentially four stages in the data migration process:
  1. Gathering information: conduct an in-depth assessment of system requirements
  2. Analysis: determine and document objectives
  3. Execution: the actual transfer of data, including monitoring of the process
  4. Validation:insuring that the data has been transferred successfully
This is a process during which medical personnel will need to have good communication with the institution’s IT department, if indeed such a department exists. Some hospitals and clinics will need to contract these services out to a company that specializes in these matters. If this is the case, due diligence is called for; be certain the company is “vetted” thoroughly and that the technicians who will be undertaking the project are competent and experienced.

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