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Choosing a Medical Monitor

There are a number of considerations which must be made when choosing a medical monitor for your medical office or emergency room. With the growing trend of moving towards a new digital medical world, the two factors most often cited for changing over from film medical records to medical grade monitors for digital use are cost and ease of use.

In a film-less imaging environment, digitized medical images can be instantly displayed anywhere within a hospital’s network of computers. However, medical images displayed on standard monitors simply do not offer the clear image needed to make an accurate diagnosis or judgment. The problems lie in rendering of subtle shadings, unified display between multiple monitors, or rendering consistency over time.

It is important to consider the “information volume” of the medical images that the monitor needs to display. Standard monitors can only display 6 slices. In order to display a full image, the image information becomes stretched creating a blurred and thinning effect of the image. 3MP monitors can clearly display 12 slices without losing any of important information from the image being thinned out. The image is fully displayed with none of the information being blurred or thinned-out. The result is a n almost perfect image quality.

DICOM-calibrated color medical imaging monitors provide the most stable and consistent image quality in the entire medical field. Not only are medical imaging monitors much clearer, they are far more cost-efficient, since digital images produced by 3mp monitors or 5mp monitors, for example, are far better in quality providing even easier reading and diagnosis.

These 5mp monitors feature state of the art high-resolution and high-definition, and were specifically designed for the display of digital mammography images. While the 3mp monitor is one of the best tools available for providing an accurate diagnosis in medical imaging applications. It can be used in a wide range of applications such as PACS, CR, CT, MRI and angiography.


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