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Computed Radiography vs. Traditional Radiography

While hospitals and trauma centers may prefer the use of traditional radiography systems, effectively-run urgent care centers, private practices and walk-in clinics are finding the benefits of using computed radiography. Traditional radiography and computed radiography differ in several meaningful ways, including the method that the image is procured, the processing of the image, environmental factors and affordability. CR provides better opportunities over traditional use of x rays affordability, higher image quality, ability to transfer images, health benefits and less complex extraction process.

Process of Radiography
Traditional x-rays consist of the use of electrons that are full of energy. The patient’s body absorbs the x-rays and the x-ray film records changes. The x-ray can differentiate between soft tissue and bone. A good image also requires the need to calibrate the equipment with the proper voltage, current and exposure time. In contrast, computed radiography consists of using a laser that scans the patient’s body. Lower energy is expelled in order to create these images.

Image Processing
Traditional radiography consists of expensive film that can only be used one single time. Computed radiography allows you to use an imaging plate that can be reused hundreds of times. The process of acquiring images from computed radiography is only one reason why it creates such a more affordable alternative.

Computed radiography may cost more upfront than traditional x-ray machines. However, computed radiography is typically much more affordable over time. In addition to using a plate hundreds or thousands of times, compared to the single use of x ray film, you can also save on other related supplies. For example, cost of cleaning materials, gloves, shields and support equipment. Computed radiography typically requires the use of the CR system and a computer, keeping operating costs reasonable. Storing the film can also increase the cost of tradition xray usage, while CR images are kept in an affordable digital format.

Health Factors
Traditional x-ray machines emit dangerous radiation. While computed radiography still involves radiation, the levels are typically kept at a lower level. Additionally, tradition machines require the use of toxic chemicals in order to procure and retain the image while CR uses none.

Quality of Images
Traditional x-rays are difficult to read for many practitioners. Technicians can easily miss small discrepancies in the image that may have otherwise demonstrated to them the nature of an injury or illness. Traditional x-rays cannot be changed to provide a different contrast after they were processed. Computed radiography provides a sharper contrast and a higher resolution and allows you to manipulate the image and see more details than traditional x-rays allow.

Transfer of Images
Traditional x-rays have to be personally handled and taken by one professional to another while CR includes a digital image that can be sent to another practitioner through a digital message. Images can also be saved on compact disks and sent directly with the patient so that he can personally show the image to get a second opinion.


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