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Dicom Inside Health: Health Benefits of Vitamin C


It’s one of the most commonly known nutrients, and its health benefits have been studied for a long time. Even so, many people are still surprised to discover the many ways in which Vitamin C is good for the body. Having proper Vitamin C levels in the blood can be considered a prime marker for overall good nutrition and health, according to a review on WebMD. Not only is Vitamin C critical to the body itself, it’s also found in food sources packed with other nutrients, so someone eating a Vitamin C-rich diet is also getting a lot more great nutrition with it. Here’s a rundown of some of the most important ways in which Vitamin C is good for your body.

Antioxidant Protection

Antioxidants are commonly mentioned in health news and advertising, but their importance for good health is not always explained. Antioxidants are the primary line of defense against the kind of gradual, long-term damage to cells that leads to aging and is thought to be involved in many kinds of age-related illnesses.
This damage is caused by chemical compounds in the body called free radicals, made of volatile, unstable molecules that can attack healthy cells. Antioxidants combine with these damaging molecules and neutralize them before they can cause harm. Having plenty of antioxidants in your body, including Vitamin C, means most free radicals can be neutralized before they can do any damage.

Immune System Support

Vitamin C has become known as a preventative measure or “cure” for the common cold. While scientific studies have not found that Vitamin C is a cure for colds, it does play an important part in keeping the immune system healthy and strong, which is what you need in order to prevent illness or to recover from it as quickly as possible. Part of Vitamin C’s immune system benefit is related to its antioxidant value, keeping the body clear of damaging substances. Vitamin C also helps to prevent secondary infections, pneumonia or other complications from a simple cold.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Having high blood pressure is bad for overall health on many fronts. High blood pressure is commonly related to heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, and it can be damaging to your kidneys as well. Over time, high blood pressure can damage the lining of blood vessels, making it harder for blood to flow and get to your vital organs. Taking Vitamin C supplements or getting enough Vitamin C in the diet has been shown to lower blood pressure. In fact, studies have found that lifestyle modifications, including dietary changes and good nutrition, are more effective at managing blood pressure than taking medications.

Regulates Blood Sugar

High blood pressure and having elevated blood sugar levels often go hand in hand. Just as with lowering blood pressure, the best way to regulate blood sugar and insulin in your body is through lifestyle changes and good nutrition. Vitamin C has been linked to a lowering of blood sugar levels and insulin in one study, suggesting that getting plenty of Vitamin C is helpful for regulating blood sugar and warding off the development of diabetes.

Healthy Bone and Tissue Growth

Finally, Vitamin C is needed for your body to grow and regenerate itself. It is necessary for the formation of the connective tissue called collagen and is therefore vital for healthy skin and mucous membranes. It also helps to maintain the health of bones, cartilage and teeth. With Vitamin C, the body is able to repair itself and grow new cells to stay healthy and strong.


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