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Dicom Inside Health: Top 5 Natural Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress seems to be a part of everybody’s vocabulary lately. Work. Family. Finances. Relationships. Even those happy with their lives suffer the effects of stress. Stress can play a part in problems with your mind, body and spirit such as headaches, restlessness, high blood pressure, loss of motivation, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, insomnia and changes in mood, diet and sex drive as well as anxiety. But you can take some simple natural steps to help relieve stress and feel better. Take some of our advice and you’ll hopefully be on your way to a less stressful and healthier life!


The easiest thing that you can control is how you treat your body. A good night’s sleep is the place to start. Most adults need between six and eight hours of sleep each night. Sleep rejuvenates your body and mind, without a restful night’s slumber you will feel lethargic and unmotivated. The best ways to promote sleep are keeping to a bedtime routine, having a light snack that includes complex carbohydrates – a piece of whole wheat toast for example and disconnecting from all electronics. Phones, computers and televisions stimulate our minds and can make it difficult to fall asleep.


You want to make sure that you are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. The food that we eat fuels our bodies, giving us energy and enhancing our mood. Diets high in fat can actually cause more depression and anxiety. Filling up on vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean protein will help power you through the day – and with a better attitude.


Exercise isn’t just good for your body; it’s good for relieving stress. Physical movement can release tension and anxiety that you have pent up inside. Exercise also causing the release of endorphins into your brain which helps to improve your mood. If you choose an activity that you really enjoy, you will get the additional benefit of having fun – another great stress reliever.


One’s attitude has a great impact on how they deal with stress. Stress is unavoidable and there is only so much that we can do to lessen the stress around us. If you choose to have the attitude that some things you do not control, while other things you do, you can spend your energy on those items you can change and resolve yourself to the stressors that you do not control like the weather or traffic. Adding happiness and joy into each day can also help to change your attitude about your life. Start a gratitude journal, listen to music that relaxes or energizes you and laugh – laugh a lot.

Mind and Spirit

Our world is loud and filled with noise of every kind. Finding quiet in some form can be very healing to the effects of stress. Meditation has grown in popularity along with instances of stress. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you to relax, get some quiet in your life and allow you to escape, even momentarily, from the chaos of life. Other things like reading, aromatherapy or massage can also help you to de-stress.


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