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Direct Digital Radiography (DR) Improves The Efficiency Of Urgent Care Facilities

In an urgent care environment, every second counts when it comes to delivering excellent patient care.  Because speed and efficiency are so important when critical patients are being examined, many urgent care facilities have made the switch to urgent care DR x-ray systems.  We offer a full range of digital imaging systems suitable for urgent care facilities, including DR systems.

Many hospitals and emergency rooms choose DR as their urgent care x-ray system of choice.  Before digital x-ray, urgent care facilities used film x-rays, which take quite a while to develop.  All of that time is now greatly reduced through the use of digital imaging devices.  In fact, direct digital radiography is currently the fastest method for taking medical digital images available.

There are several reasons why critical care facilities make the switch to urgent care DR systems.  Each time you need to use x-ray equipment with a patient, the entire exam will go faster with digital imaging systems in place.  This is because you eliminate the need for film developing.  Diagnoses will also improve with the use of a DR system because of the image enhancing features such as changing the contrast, brightness and resolution of the digital images, as well as the ability to perform measurements with ease and bring up the patient notes and images instantly.

Another benefit is that you can transmit digital medical images over the Internet, allowing you to consult with specialists and other physicians in a fast way completely impossible with film.  All of this will go to improve your urgent care office‘s workflow.

Dicom Solutions offers urgent care DR imagers from SmartRad, Neo DR, X-Caliber and Naomi DR.  SmartRad offers flat panel detectors that are integrated into the unit, while the Neo DR is the first system that provides cassette-sized wireless digital productivity that fits on your current urgent care facility’s equipment quickly and easily with no retrofitting involved.  X-Caliber offers charge-coupling device technology that provides you with a long-lasting unit due to no internal moving parts as well as no replacement imaging plates needed.  There is no waiting involved when you use digital imaging equipment from Naomi.  Only a few seconds are needed from the time you capture your digital medical image to the time you are viewing it.

Dicom Solutions offers everything you need to put a digital urgent care x-ray system into effect at your facility.


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