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Key Components of An X-Ray Imaging Room: Overview

The major components of an x-ray system are: the power generator, x-ray tube, collimator, tube stand, wall stand and radiographic table. These key components make up the “image capturing” aspect of the process. Each of these components is offered with multiple options that make the overall -ray system completely configurable to fit a practice’s specific requirements. Equipment options are listed in detail in our next blog post, “Equipment Details”.

Next a CR or DR (computerized radiography or direct radiography) system will accept that captured image and process it into a digital picture to be interpreted by a Doctor or Reading Radiologist. This is known as the “Image Processing” stage. Digital processing has largely replaced more the traditional film processing. For more information on CR please see our “CR Buyer’s Guide”.

Lastly, the captured, processed and interpreted images need to be backed up for long term storage. Every state has different Medical Record Retention Regulations; for example the state of California requires that all medical records be retained for a minimum of 7 years. A common solution to comply with these regulations sending the captured, processed, and interpreted images to a PACS (Picture Archive Communication System) which is a computer server with large hard drive storage space and specialized software for managing Dicom (.DCM) files. For more information on PACS servers please see our “PACS Buyer’s Guide”. This final stage of Medical Imaging is known as “Long Term Image Storage”.

Typically the CR/DR components are located in the X-Ray Room along with all the x-ray imaging equipment. Additionally, depending on what type of PACS that you have, it may be possible for ALL the components of the 3 stage medical imaging process to be permanently located within the x-ray room, space permitting.

Urgent Care X-Ray Room with CR System

Great for medium to high volume urgent care practices


Purchasing your x-ray room equipment in a complete package is always the best bet to keep costs low. If you need to purchase a CR, PACS server, viewing workstations, CD burners, film scanners or anything else along with your x-ray system, please notify your sales representative to work on a special package price.

The x-ray systems come bundled from the manufactures into the most typically used configurations. These systems range from $15,000 for the most basic “chiro” style package up to 60,000+ depending on the options, generator type selected, and specific needs of your practice. Digital acquisition (CR Reader, DR Panel) devices start at $18,500 and up.

Quick Reference Check List

Here is a quick reference check-list to make sure that your x-ray room project stays on track

  • Select the correct equipment for your needs
  • Send the preliminary floor-plan of X-Ray Room
  • Forward equipment layout drawing provided by Dicom Solutions to Physicist for them to provide you with a Lead Shielding Report. (most states require this)
  • Forward equipment layout drawing provided by Dicom Solutions and Lead Shielding Report to contractors for them to build from.
  • Begin registration process of new equipment with your State Health Department
  • Completion of Construction
  • Delivery of new X-Ray Equipment
  • Schedule Installation with Dicom Solutions

Digital x-ray imaging’s ease of use, simple set up and low cost mean that any health care provider can immediately see positive results from their investment. From small private practice chiropractors to large chain-style chiropractic franchises, digital x-rays have improved efficiency and cut costs by taking advantage of the wide variety of cutting edge options available on the market. The trick is knowing which x-ray system is right for you. Taking the time to determine your goals, requirements and budget will ensure that you choose the right equipment for your needs.


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