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Podiatry CR Systems For The Fully Functional Medical Center

In the past, Podiatry X-ray units were film based, but now many Podiatry departments and clinics are making the switch to Podiatry Digital X-ray. With the drop in technology prices, physicians find that Podiatry X-ray digital systems are more affordable than ever. By using digital medical images, podiatry offices can also improve office efficiency and offer better patient care at a lower cost.

Digital X-ray and PACS systems were once affordable by only large hospitals. Now that all computer technology prices have been reduced, it has had a favorable effect on the prices that you will pay for digital x-ray equipment and software.

Podiatry departments have many options for outstanding digital x-ray equipment for image capture. Choices range from a Podiatry CR to a Podiatry DR system, and each comes with certain benefits. CR systems are the less costly of the two for initial purchase. CR takes excellent digital medical images, and is often used in a mobile teleradiology environment, where the radiologist goes to his or her patients in nursing homes, sports arenas and other off-site places. CR can also be used to retrofit your existing film radiology equipment, making for a cost-effective upgrade. DR imaging systems, on the other hand, are more expensive than CR initially. They do, however, take higher resolution digital medical images than CR systems currently can. DR is also used in mobile digital imaging situations.

In order to get the most from a digital x-ray system, many podiatry clinics also invest in Podiatry PACS. Podiatry PACS allow the busy medical office to archive as well as distribute digital medical images that are in dicom digital image format. When you consider the numerous costs involved with film images in terms of storage, retrieval and distribution, it makes sense to switch to an affordable and efficient PACS system instead.

A digital PACS system also helps to ensure that your podiatry department stays in compliance with HIPPA rules. All physicians and personnel authorized to be on the PACS system must sign in with a username and password, and an administrator can maintain this setup easily and quickly in order to preserve patient privacy. Patient medical records must also be stored safely offsite in case of disaster, so that recovery will be unhampered for better patient care, and using a digital PACS system makes it simple to accomplish this task as well.

Medical imaging distributors and systems integrators can help your podiatry office find the best Podiatry digital x-ray and PACS system most suited to your specific needs.


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