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X-Ray Checklist: Questions to Ask Before you Buy

x-ray room - vita-cr_4

Are you considering purchasing a new x-ray system for your medical office and overwhelmed with all the options and technology? Below is a great list to help get you started with asking the right questions in order to make your purchasing decision a little easier. Before talking to an X-Ray vendor you should answer the following questions about your situation in order to get a better idea of what may be the best solution for you:


  1. What kind of Chiropractic practice is this equipment for (ie. Blair, NUCCA, Full spine)?
  2. Are there any specific shots that your practice will need to take? For example Base Posterior, Stereoscopic, Vertex, Nasium, Full spine?
  3. How many x-rays do you currently do per day and how many do you anticipate doing per day in the near future?
  4. Do you have an existing x-ray room with equipment that needs to be replaced?
  5. If the X-Ray equipment is for an existing x-ray room, what size is the current room?
  6. If you do not have an existing x-ray room and are planning to build one, is it new construction or a remodel of an existing suite?
  7. What is the available power in the building?
  8. Are you interested in a CR System or a DR system?
  9. Will you need a PACS, mini-PACS or off-site storage?

Not sure how to answer these questions? The experts at Dicom Solutions can help walk you through any questions that you may have in order to help you find the best solution. Check out what they can offer you for x-ray system solutions by calling 1-800-377-2617


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