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Dicom Viewers Offer Key Features To Maximize Workflow

If you work with medical digital imaging files you are already aware of the importance that a DICOM (also referred to as dicom) viewer can have on your medical practice. Here is a quick review of the key features that a dicom viewer can provide to maximize your medical office workflow.

The dicom viewer, and dicom web viewer, both allow you to see medical digital images on a diagnostic or computer monitor. The viewer is a software system that can be used on computers in your medical facility, and it can also be used via the World Wide Web to allow consulting physicians the ability to view medical digital images online. The dicom viewer software allows for the ease of printing out your digital images on a variety of printers, and it enables quick and cost effective backup of patient medical digital images and reports onto ordinary CDs and DVDs.

Key features that you will find on a dicom web viewer include the ability to quickly send and receive digital images. This speed helps to improve your office workflow dramatically. The ability to remotely access digital images allows for much less expense in travel and accommodations for consulting physicians, who can now consult from their home offices.

Other highlights found with a dicom viewer is the ability to enhance and manipulate digital images. This can lead to improved resolution of images for greater ease of diagnoses, and improved patient care. Toolbars can be optimized for your specific routine tasks, making them work more smoothly with less wasted time. HIPPA compliance is also easier with a dicom viewer in place, because medical personnel use can be controlled through individual usernames and passwords, as well as secure socket layer encryption security.

As with all types of computer technology, prices have dropped in recent years, and thus you can find affordable dicom viewer solutions for small and mid-sized medical facilities that can be used with existing equipment to improve your office workflow on a budget.


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