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What Sets the Efilm Workstation Apart from other Diagnostic Tools

Hospitals and other medical facilities may differ on the types of medical hardware they utilize for digital medical imaging, but when it comes to dicom viewer software, the choice is clear: the most often used diagnostic software for digital medical image viewing is the Efilm Workstation. And for good reason, because the efilm dicom viewer software offers several attractive features not found industry wide.

One is that it is easily compatible with other office software operating systems. You can run this viewing software on a Windows 2000 or XP system. The software is also currently being tested for use with MS Vista, and is expected to be available soon.

Another is printing capabilities. Many medical facilities have a wide variety of printers, and getting your workstations to cooperate with the printers can sometimes be a challenge, but one that the efilm viewer has been designed to handle remarkably well.

A convenient display of the digital medical images that you select is possible with this outstanding software. PET, or positron emission tomography, digital images can be displayed at the same time as computed tomography, or CT, images, and the software also enables 3D volume rendering. Multi-planar reconstruction viewing, known as MPR, makes it possible for you to see from any orthogonal or oblique plane the real-time reconstruction of cross-sectional medical digital images. You can also use the handy thumbnail viewer to quickly and easily sort and display the digital medical images that you select.

If you will be sharing a workstation, you will be happy to know that the efilm viewer allows multiple users to save their user profiles on the same workstation, saving you a great deal of time because you will not have to reset all of the toolbar configurations and layout presets each time you sit down to use the workstation. You can also customize per each modality used your toolbars, another timesaving feature.

Once you have your digital medical images the way you want them, you can also create CDs and DVDs with this software. DVDs and CDs may be burned directly from the efilm software, and you can even save to CD and DVD non-dicom files.

Efilm offers you the features you want for your medical office at a price you can afford.


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